As a peace loving hippy Muso type of person, I despise trouble or conflict of any kind however, accusations have been made against me both publicly, and on social media..

I tried to respond to the following statement posted on local ex-Councillor Ivan Bell's 'Glossopdale' FaceBook group, where a video / photograph was taken of me and a written statement published along with my personalised car number plate and my full name by a 'Glossopdale' FaceBook member with the user name Rowena Frances Cahill however, my post was deleted and my membership to the group cancelled within minutes with no explanation provided?
I went on to Email Ivan Bell directly, pointing out that as the administrator, this post  could be subject to legal proceedings however, I received no reply.. 

Here is a screen-shot of the post kindly sent to me by a friend of the family

It is one thing to 'Big-Up' a story, but quite another to unashamedly exaggerate and write with such malicious intent!

My reply to this post:

'From many residents of Old Glossop':

Let me make this perfectly clear..

Absolutely no (zilch) local residents or a representative from All Saints primary school had ever voiced concern over my brief parking on the edge of the wooded area opposite the school to pick up my children and in fact, the Head Mistress from the school has since contacted me to distance the school from this this post... 
Prior to the taking of this photograph (09/12/2020) my one and only conversation with Rowena Frances Cahill was on the 4th of September 2018 when she complained about me parking outside her house on Church Street. When I pointed out that not only do I have the right to park on Church Street, but that I also have a disablement, she went directly to the school to try to get me access to the common ground opposite the school however, when she returned she stated that the school said 'he's not disabled, he is an alcoholic'. She refused to tell me which representative of the school said this. I pleaded for her to come back down to the school with me but she refused..
I just so happen to have found footage from my front and rear dash cams from this very encounter:

Parking Complaint on Church Street

"You're not disabled you are an alcoholic"

**  'The School placed cones along the grass verge'

In actual fact, the cones were put there by Rowena Frances Cahill with the assistance of the 'Assistant Business Secretary' from the school, as witnessed by my daughter. Did these people have any legal right to restrict access to the wooded area opposite the school? None whatsoever. 
Will I park here again? No. I made a voluntary promise to a Police officer that I would not park here again and true to my word I never will.. However, making this commitment comes at a cost.. I will no longer be able to reliably do the 'school run' to All Saints primary school as the school's Head Mistress has declared a prerequisite to me parking alongside all the able bodied teachers vehicles directly outside of the school: A 'Blue Badge', something I will apply for only on pain of death!
As a disabled parent of two pupils attending All Saint's Glossop and plainly not being taken at my word. I will pass on my personal medical records directly to the Head If my Doctor agrees..

'Destroyed their work'***
I am a little confused by this statement: 'the residents of Old Glossop spend hours planting fresh Spring bulbs'. The photo / video of me parked on the verge was taken on the 9th of December?.. That must be one hardy variety of daffodils!..

You could be forgiven for thinking this is a snapshot of the wonderful 'George & Mildred' produced by Thames Television..

 Looked incredibly like a patch of muddy ground to me? It's quite remarkable how wide Land Rover tires don't leave a trace even in a bog if driven responsibly isn't it!
Yes this muddy patch is what all the fuss was about?
My best advice in a situation like this? Don't take ***t from bullies like these! Even when they appear to have the backing of the local Residents Association (Old Glossop!), 'Glossopdale' and 'Glossop' community FaceBook groups and local (ex) Councillors behind them.. Because they are the biggest undemocratic bullies of them all!

First time I got the chance to hand wash the car on Tuesday  .. Here is a photo of the damage done by the woman on the right in the photo. Worse than I thought as the scratches have gone through to the primer.. Glossop Police talked me out of pressing charges, perhaps I should send them the invoice!..

So remember, when you go out to vote at Pyegrove (opp my house) this election. Think All Saint's Ward rather than 'Old Glossop' and their subsidised 'Grade Two' terraced housing properties. Then maybe some of the revenue collected from us Sheffield Road / Shire Brook residents might also get spent on luxuries like having OUR pavements swept weekly!..

An Agenda?
I won't insult the fine people of Glossop by answering this question suffice say, all 'The residents of Old Glossop' seem to reside at 42-46 Church Street!..


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